How to

If you wish to create an account specific for VeeZy App, you can follow the instructions once after you click “Sign up” However, we also offer “Sign in with Google” and “Sign in with Apple” options as well So, go with your convenience

Select the “+” sign at the top right of the screen,and Follow the instructions based on each device type

Select the name of your home at the upper left written in VeeZy’s blue Select the home you want to move in to

  1. Recieve and invite
  2. Select the name of your home at the upper left written in VeeZy’s blue
  3. Select the Join a Home Scan the QR code in the screen - To find out how to open the QR Code, check “How to manage and invite members into Home(s)?"

Select “Profile” in the lower bar
Select “Home Management” option
When the Home Management screen opens up, you can add a new home, manage the existing home based on room, devices, members
This is the screen where you can also change the images of houses and rooms.

Select “Profile” in the lower bar
Select “Home Management” option
Choose the home you wish to invite a new member
Select “Members” option
You can change the status of members from this bar, or
You can invite new members through clicking on “Add Member” with sending invitation or QR code

Select “Profile” in the lower bar
Click on the edit icon
You will see the “Change Password” option at the bottom of the list
Your new password must contain
- Minimum 8 characters
- Number(s)
- Uppercase letter(s)
- Lowercase letter(s)
- Special character(s)
Once the “New password” and “Confirm password” match, select “Continue”
Congratulations, you have changed your password

Select “Profile” in the lower bar
Click “About”, then select “Delete Account” option


VeeZy is a digital platform and smart life application. It is about creating new and functional value propositions for both our consumers and partners, through expanding the boundaries of smart home ecosystem for todays and futures users.

Demo mod offers a preview look into the VeeZy App. Viewers can have a sneak peek into the interface while exploring the smart life experience offered with limited features. To experience Demo Mod, select the “Demo mod” button at the upper right. Now, you can experience VeeZy as if you created an account, added device(s), created home(s), and room(s). Have fun!

For the time being, it’s only English and Turkish but we are currently adding new languages.

It is Home Connectivity Alliance’s aim to provide consumers more convenience and options through interoperability. The smart devices of all member companies can be used through the VeeZy mobile application without switching to any other mobile application.